The 25 Top Complete Design Of Exterior Living Spaces Companies

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Bianchi Design
12 Reviews
Artful living is about enjoying life. At Bianchi Design, we create an outdoor environment that speaks volumes in a quiet way… It is like listening to a beautiful concerto with your eyes. We guide you, directing the eye to the things you might have missed. You realize your environment has been shaped to lead you…and you like it. The perfect serenity is only interrupted by the unexpected thrill of a nuance or vision you hadn’t yet experienced. This discovery is all yours. It is your backyard. Your escape. Your home. This is experiencing the outdoors as a living art form. Kirk Bianchi composes an outdoor environment design that is guided by the regimen of line, proportion, and balance. He weaves together landscape, pool, and exterior architecture to create an outdoor living space that speaks volumes in a quiet way. “Your design is done when I can no longer take anything else away. What is left is pure perfection.” – Kirk Bianchi