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SQLA Inc. Landscape Architects
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Square Los Angeles Inc, (SQLA) is a landscape architecture, site planning, and urban design firm dedicated to the art of creating engaging environments for life, work, and play. We believe with a passion that nature is essential for healthy, resilient human environments. We design richly layered landscapes that are infused with natural, cultural and healing elements that foster social sustainability and enrich the spirit. OUR VISION We are a process driven studio. Through creative explorations, we seek hands-on knowledge of the physical and psychological qualities of the raw materials of our trade. Through these studies, we gain a strong understanding of materiality and build ‘know how’ which forms the backbone for our design/build and construction services. In turn, this informs insightful knowledge in the design process. We approach design as the art and craft of sculpting space. We use the raw materials of nature—plants, water, rock, gravel and wood—to define and create spaces that influence our emotions, thoughts and realities, intensifying and enriching our experience of a place. We design with life, creating spaces where life happens. We embrace the process of becoming and invite the heavens to transform them into places that continuously engage our senses, and ultimately, fill our spirits with that ineffable sense of being.