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Monica Perrone Landscape Architecture
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Beauty, comfort, function and style to enhance your everyday experiences. Monica is versatile, prolific, responsive. She is an expert and she really listens. Value the role of good design for your home and garden. Invest in a life well-lived. Monica Perrone is a sole-practitioner landscape architect with over thirty years of industry professionalism. She has lived and worked in various regions of the United States with diverse experience in landscape architecture, planning, urban design, landscape contracting, graphic design, event design/planning, and marketing. Her thoughtful, responsive, and responsible, needs-based design solutions respect the client’s priorities with appropriate regard for dynamic site and local conditions, offering flexibility and ingenuity in evaluating all resources. She has taught upper-division landscape architecture design courses at the University of California, Davis. You will find Monica to be customer-service oriented as she strives to increase value, comfort, function, and beauty. @monicaperronela