The 25 Top Landscape Property Management Companies

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10 Reviews
PETER ATKINS AND ASSOCIATES is dedicated to environmentally friendly approaches through all phases of Landscape Management -From Design to Installation and Fine Garden Maintenance. We are proud to be an accredited Northeast Organic Land Care business. We work to make sure it is safe and free from chemicals and synthetic products commonly found in chemical landscape applications. This will protect your entire family, pets, your land, and earth. We are much more than landscape contractors. We are creative, certified landscape designers with deep knowledge of native and non-native plants that provide seasonal interest for both you and the wildlife in our region. Our company offers complete landscape design services including master plans, foundation plantings, perennial gardens, natural meadows, masonry applications, fencing, and landscape lighting. Personal attention to our clients’ needs and creative and unique solutions are our company’s strengths. We will customize a fine garden maintenance program for your property that fits within your lifestyle and budget. Whether you are looking for estate garden management or basic seasonal maintenance, our team will be your landscape’s best asset. These teams will be supervised by an accredited Horticulturist and Peter Atkins. All of our teams speaks English. We have the experience and skills necessary to tackle just about every type of job that comes our way. Our clients find us through our website, word of mouth and referrals. We delivers top value and clients know exactly what to expect as our communications is consistent with phone, email and text. We offer professionalism, efficiency, consistent improvement in the care we offer and stunning results. Please visit our Website Thank you.