The 25 Top Natural Swimming Pools and Spa Companies

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Gary McDonald and Son Inc.
4 Reviews
Swim in water, not chemicals. Most swimming pools are in a delicate balance, maintaining levels of toxic chemicals at just the right point so that they kill everything in the water, but come just shy of killing you. What if you could have clean, crystal clear water without all the chemicals? What if you could swim in water that you could actually drink? Welcome to the world of natural swimming pools. Natural swimming pools use plants, bio-filters, aeration and UV lights to keep water clean and clear with less maintenance and no harsh chemicals. We can build one for the same price as a typical covered pool. At Gary McDonald and Son, Inc., we take great pride in how we have developed and improved our company, as well as our creative skills, in over 45 years of doing business. We have built a solid reputation for artistry in design, reliability, and quality construction that we believe has its foundation in our personal commitment and hands-on approach to everything we do. Unlike most pool construction companies, we are a Class A Licensed General Engineering Construction Firm. What this means to you as our customer is that we are qualified to do all phases of the construction process ourselves. This enables us to personally maintain the quality of each phase of construction, as well as better control the amount of time each project takes.