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Drake Design Landscape Architecture
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Committed to Providing Distinctive Exterior Design and Sustainable Site Planning for over 20 Years PHILOSOPHY Our firm is based on the belief that our customers’ needs are of the utmost importance. Our team is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals. We strive to provide value. One of the functions of good design is to achieve the most value from a site. We do this by acting as an advocate for our clients, helping them to stay within a chosen budget for overall landscape installation. We will provide an innovative design that will allow your landscape project to be implemented with quality craftsmanship and within budget. We also increase value for our clients by designing with nature in mind. We offer creative designs that are low impact and low maintenance, with a high interest for our local resources (water, energy, air, soil health) and wildlife, such as beneficial insects and birds. We work with specialists in Water Conservation, and can help you save water and money by implementing a rainwater or graywater system. Whatever your tastes, we will achieve a beautiful landscape that will reduce your water bill, your footprint, and overall maintenance costs. Our mission is to provide opportunities for true connection with the natural world in which we live; and with each other, as we create artful spaces of inspiration and well-being- for modern social culture and nature alike. Through a thorough assessment of the site’s unique qualities and challenges, and your needs and desires, we strive for balance between sustainability and style that results in a well thought out design that will provide enjoyment and benefit to you, your guests, clients and visitors, and the surrounding communities that experience your property, for many years to come.