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Jenna Bayer Garden Design, Inc.
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Jenna Bayer Garden Design creates a relationship with clients that is communicative and productive, in order to build a successful garden. Together we make decisions about how our team will provide services to best suit your scope of work, your long term goals, and including your budget, installation schedule, maintenance, and style. We are flexible, and as every project is unique, we shape our services to the project’s needs. For more information about our services click through here: Bay Area, CA: 650-988-9600 Portland, OR: 503-468-2103 We provide options for all levels of interest in a client’s outdoor environment, including leisure areas, entertaining spaces, and views from indoors. We focus on enframement, access and traffic flow for all members of the client’s family, and also related services. Included in our designs are hardscape and planting design, swimming pool and spas, water features, lighting, irrigation, drainage, sculpture and art, and outdoor kitchens and furnishings. We find space for a garden in every corner, whether a rooftop, acreage, or a shy corner in suburbia.