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Miller Landscape Architecture
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Miller Landscape Architecture is a Bay Area design firm specializing in residential design and project management. Susan Miller is a licensed landscape architect with over 25 years experience, 12 of those years as a licensed contractor. Susan’s construction background provides tremendous practical experience to the design process, especially on challenging hillside properties. Her attention to detail and communication ensures a successful experience throughout the entire design and installation process. She and her team work with each client to design unique landscapes that meet their clients’ desires and needs while providing a beautiful oasis in which to live. In addition to her work as a Landscape Architect, Susan also teaches both Advanced Design (Grading and Drainage) and SketchUp Pro (3D computer modeling) at Merritt Community College.
Revolution Landscape
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Imagine a landscape you will love. Our purpose is to create beautiful, eco-friendly landscapes that you will just love, perfectly tailored to your unique aesthetic and special purpose. We are dedicated to helping people achieve personal well being and a more environmentally sustainable way of life by transforming ordinary landscapes into eco-friendly spaces where people can grow healthy food and interact with the natural environment.